Gene.iO 2024

Are you at the head of an innovative Biotechnology startup? Apply to a whole program to enhance your biotech!

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How to participate

Click on the button Participate in the upper-right corner.
To reach the first step of the call for candidates, you must accept the Gene.IO Terms and Conditions when you create your account on the program's platform.
Your account will allow you to modify your dossier as many times as needed.
One project per account (created by the project leader) but any number of people of your choosing may have access to the account .


  • Call for candidates: May 20 to July 21, 2024
  • Preparation for the audition : July 29 to August 11, 2024
  • Audition : week of 9 September 2024 (dates to be announced in summer)
  • Program startup :  November 4, 2024.

The call for candidates comprises three steps:

Complete your candidate dossier and include:

  1. A 10 to 15-slide presentation: team / issues / description of the start-up / business model / technological roadmap / etc.
  2. Résumés for all team members
Genopole's mentors will assist the teams for the constitution of their call dossiers.
You can use your candidate account to stock your files and exchange with the Genopole mentors.

Votre dossier a été retenu.

Vous avez jusqu'au 11 août pour déposer la présentation qui vous servira de support lors de la soutenance devant le comité d'expert de Genopole  ainsi que les packs envisagés.

Les mentors de Genopole accompagneront les équipes dans la préparation de leur soutenance

You have been selected to present your project to the expert committee on week of 9 September 2024 (dates to be announced in summer).
At that time, you will be requested to provide the supports for your presentation to the committee and indicate the Strategy Packs that may interest you.

You will have 15 minutes to present your project and 15 minutes thereafter for questions and answers.


The Genopole mentors will help the teams prepare their presentations.

You've been chosen as a Gene.IO laureate!


You will be welcomed to the Genopole biocluster at its next Welcome Session, where you will have the opportunity to present your start-up to the Genopole community (5-minute pitch).


You will be requested to provide a 4 to 5-slide presentation and pictures & the contact information of your team members.