Gene.iO 2024

Are you at the head of an innovative Biotechnology startup? Apply to a whole program to enhance your biotech!

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Do you manage a company that innovates in the field of biotechnology? 

Gene.iO speeds up your fundraising process 
or partnership agreement 

Gene.iO tailors its services to YOUR startup to help you make the transition from technology to cash. 

What does Gene.iO have to offer?  

Gene.iO includes a Starter Kit and a choice among 4 Expertise packs. The packs feature thematic experts in the bio-innovation sector.
They are made up of group seminars and individual sessions to meet your needs as closely as possible.

A starter kit for all successful applicants :

  • A 360° audit to build a customized action plan
  • Advice from a dedicated & experienced mentor
  • Support from a Genopole startup manager
  • Access to Genopole technology platforms
  • A repayable advance of €20,000
  • Financial support to move into Genopole premises.


Expertise Packs

Market Access

Validate the fit between the innovation and the needs of your target market:
- validate the business model,
- secure intellectual property,
- analyze your market and position yourself.


Build your fund-raising roadmap and challenge it in front of investors:
- evaluate your business plan,
- finalize your company's financial analysis,
- structure your negotiation and contractual strategy,
- meet investors in your field.

Key Accounts
Partnerships Pack

Accelerate your partnership opportunities and hone your negotiating skills:
- build your partnership and commercial negotiation strategy, taking into account legal and financial aspects,
- meet innovative companies in your field.

Communication Strategy Pack

Increase your brand awareness and visibility:
- define your brand identity,
- formulate your value proposition,
- build an effective pitch for your company.

Can I apply?

Yes, if you run an innovative company (post POC) in the following fields:
  • Health: gene therapy, cell therapy, diagnostics, devices ...
  • Bioeconomy: foodtech, cosmetics, energy, greentech, biomaterials ...
Click on the Participate button at top right.

Get the best possible advice

Throughout the program, you'll be supported by :
  • A Genopole startup manager, who is an expert in supporting biotech companies, to give you operational advice.
  • An experienced mentor, head of an innovative biotech company, who shares his experience with you during regular exchanges.

Feel free!

  • Genopole gives you a €20k loan without taking an equity stake.
    Because you're the entrepreneur, you're in the driver's seat.
  • Gene.iO is modular to suit your needs!


temoignages de Nutropy, STH Biotech et CGenetix